The method of selection filter compensating devices for minimizing the discrete spectrum of interharmonics




nonlinear load, higher harmonics, interharmonics, filter compensating device, tuning frequency


The task of decreasing the levels of interharmonics in electrical networks is an integral part of the task of improving the power quality and in general supporting the electromagnetic compatibility of nonlinear loads as sources of nonsinusoidality and their power supply systems. The result of decreasing the levels of interharmonics should be the provision of the required voltage quality standards required by the European international standard EN 50160:2010. Thus, the purpose of this work is the development of a methodology for selecting filter compensating devices that are tunable to interharmonic frequencies. Solving this problem is based on the traditional approach to the selection of filter compensating devices of higher harmonics with the introduction of necessary corrections that take into account the features of the occurrence and distribution along the interharmonic frequency axis. Due to the influence of the large number of factors on the tuning frequency of the interharmonics filters, especially in the low frequency region, are mandatory to check for the absence of overloads and the efficiency of the filtering compensating devices of interharmonics after putting them into operation.

Author Biographies

Ю. Л. Саенко, SHEI «Pryazovsky State Technical University»

Department of Industrial Electrical Power Supply

Т. К. Бараненко, SHEI «Pryazovsky State Technical University»

Department of Industrial Electrical Power Supply

И. Ю. Саенко, SHEI «Pryazovsky State Technical University»

Department of Industrial Electrical Power Supply


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Electromagnetic Compatibility