Identification and diagnostics of electric parameters of traction asynchro-nous electric motors of mine electric lo-comotives


  • Н. В. Хворост
  • Л. В. Сменова
  • И. О. Синчук
  • И. В. Касаткина
  • М. Л. Барановская SHEI «Kryvyi Rih National University», Ukraine



electromechanical complexes, traction motor, diagnostics, object model, calculation algorithms


The negative tendency of repair of the electric rolling stock of mining transport at enterprises in Ukraine is preserved and obvious not by "fact", but by "plan". The reason for this "repair ideology" is the lack of systems for monitoring the equipment parameters of mine electric locomotives in the operated structures of traction electrical complexes, as well as the lack of information on the real-time technical condition of the traction complex elements.

The paper deals with the tactics of identification and diagnostics of the effective operation for the traction asynchronous electric motors in the traction modules of electrified transport. The consistency of this process and technique for experimental data processing are proposed. A sequence of operations for identifying the electrical parameters of the traction asynchronous electric motors in the mine electric locomotives is proposed and justified.

An object model for monitoring was provided. The determination structure of the operating modes implemented by the locomotive driver is selected.

An algorithm, based on the two-phase switching-on of the stator windings on a constant volt-age, makes it possible to determine the active resistances of the stator and rotor and to diagnose the elements of the electric drive has been developed. The algorithm for identifying one of the coefficients of the parameters correlation from the integral error of the difference between the real and calculated transient processes with respect to the stator current and the speed of the induction motor is developed.

The available studies indicate a high accuracy of the proposed identification method: the maximum error is 6,2%, the minimum error is 0,13%.

The requirements for digit capacity, speed and functionality of specialized microprocessors for controlling AC motors and data-networking lines of the electric drive operation are defined. The developed identification method differs with the relative simplicity of computations and the absence of complex function calculations. It can be realized through the specialized microprocessors for controlling AC motors.

Author Biography

М. Л. Барановская, SHEI «Kryvyi Rih National University»

Department «Automated electromechanical systems in industrial and transport»


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Electric Rolling Stock