Small commentary to the tactics of creating traction electromechanical com-plexes of mine electronics of combined kind


  • О. Н. Синчук
  • Э. С. Гузов
  • И. О. Синчук State institution of higher education «Kryvyi Rih National University», Ukraine
  • Ф. И. Караманиц Public association «Krivorizkiy zalizorudny kombinat», Ukraine
  • И. А. Козакевич
  • В. А. Федотов
  • В. Л. Дебелый State institution of higher education «Kryvyi Rih National University», Ukraine



mine electric locomotive, traction electromechanical systems


The article presents the results of studies on the analysis of the state and the determination of the main directions of the search for ways to solve the problem of increasing the indicators of the functioning of intranservice transport of domestic underground iron ore enterprises. It is noted that the main mode of transport for the delivery of iron ore raw materials, materials and miners in underground mine workings of these types of mines, in contrast to coal mines, is and will remain in the next 35-50 years electric locomotive. It is emphasized that the contact types of electric locomotives operated in domestic ore mines, because of the danger of electric shock to miners in the case of unauthorized, but actually possible, because of the limited dimensions of mine workings due to availability, touching them with a contact wire should be replaced with new ones that are safer. Based on the analysis of the survey results, the potential problem is assessed and the tactic of achieving the set goal is determined by solving the two-fold problem of improving the efficiency and safety of the electric locomotives by creating basic - combined electric locomotives and synergetic structures for energy-efficient traction electromechanical systems for domestic iron ore production facilities.


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Electric Rolling Stock