Improvement of the system of cargo transmission organization for the account of using the theory of sets
organization of car trains, set functionsAbstract
The purpose of this work is to substantiate and develop a new theoretical approach to solving the problem of choosing the rational organization of carload streams and to develop an algorithm for its solution in the current conditions of transport of information systems, taking into account the development of the in-formatization of the industry. The main task of the study is the organization of railroad car flows into through trains at technical stations with minimal time spent on their accumulation. The object of the study is a network of railway technical stations of the estimated test site. The subject of the study is the organization of car trains into through trains. The method of investigation is the theory of set functions. The scientific novelty lies in the solution of the problem of linear programming in boolean variables by means of the set functions, lead-ing to the search for the set of the goal mini-mizing function with some restrictions on the elements of the given set. The necessary conditions for the solution of the vector optimization problem for the organization of wagon flows at the polygon of the selected stations of the network are obtained.
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