Prospects for the using of the photovoltaic in university


  • В. Г. Кузнецов Дніпропетровський національний університет залізничного транспорту ім. В. Лазаряна, Ukraine
  • І. Л. Анікєєв Дніпропетровський національний університет залізничного транспорту ім. В. Лазаряна, Ukraine



photoelectric system, insolation, equivalent circuit, energy audit, alternative sources of the electric power


Purpose. This article is dedicated to  analise the prospect of using of the photovoltaic plant in  university for a partial covering of the expenses on energy sources under the characteristic climate conditions in Dnipro. The choice of the main components of photovoltaic plant – photoelectric modules, inverter, battery is a main goal of this work. The option of an arrangement of photovoltaic plant on a roof of the old educational building is considered. Methodology. Forecasting of the expected generation of sun energy is carried out on the basis of the operating maps of solar activity. Volume of the electric energy in educational building was defined on the basis of the carried-out energy audit. In calculations it is used the average value of daily total power of electric power consumers in educational building. Results. It is possible to reduce considerably the expenses on  energy sources in university by introducing of photovoltaic plant. The option of placement of photovoltaic system on a roof of the old educational building is possible. The main electric characteristics of the network solar photovoltaic plant for additional power supply in university are chosen and calculated. The basic power elements of photovoltaic plant – photo-electric modules, inverters, accumulators are offered. Scientific novelty. For reduction of expenses on  energy sources in university it is offered the using of the network photovoltaic plant. Such approach allows to unite power supply from the centralized source and alternative one. The installation of the photovoltaic plant on a roof of the old educational building does not demand allocation of the additional territory, blackout of photo-electric modules decreases. Practical importance. Expenses on energy sources are considerable part of expenses in the general budget of university. Currently universities have to seek the alternative ways of economysing of the  sources. It is prooved by calculations that the solar photovoltaic plant will be able to cover 50-80% of expenses on the electric power in the old educational building.


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Energy Saving