Development of the neuro regulator for the automatic control system of the arrow on the basis of the linear electromagnetic type engine




intelligent neural network, genetic algorithm, automatic control system, linear motor, mathematical model


The article is devoted to the development of the control system of the electric drive of the turnout based on the linear electromechanical energy converter, as the main tool in the investigation of the operation modes of the linear electromagnetic-type motor. The following problems were solved in the article: substantiation of the possibility of using a neural control for a linear motor of electromagnetic type; the development of a neural controller for the type of engine under study; creation of a simulation model of the electric drive of the turnout using the neural control system; obtaining dynamic characteristics of an electric drive with neural control. To control the electric motor it is suggested to use the intellectual neural network of the NN3-10-1 structure, and as the activation one a piecewise linear function with restriction is chosen.


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Automation and Diagnose