The modelling of returntrection current distribution in rail line
electromagnetic compatibility, traction network, harmonics of reverse traction current, rail linesAbstract
Ensuring of electromagnetic compatibility of traction power supply system with track circuits is actual problem, and one of the reasons of this is the wide using of the new types of rolling stock with asynchronous traction drive and pulse regulation.
The purpose of this work is to develop a mathematical model and provide on it base the simulation of the distribution of traction current harmonics in rail lines generated by an electric vehicle.
The mathematical model is developed on the basis of the representation of the traction network in the form of consequently connected multipoles, corresponding to the longitudinally homogeneous sections of the traction network and the two-ports corresponding to the local inhomogeneities of the traction network. Equations for currents and voltages in homogeneous length sections of the traction network are represented as a system of equations for multiconductor lines in a matrix form. As a result of the simulation, it was found that the current of harmonic interference at a frequency of 25 Hz in the rails increased with decreasing earth resistance to
10-3 Sm/km, and also with an increasing in the number of locomotives in the feeder zone. With a combination of unfavorable conditions, the current from three or more locomotives in the feeder zone exceeded the limiting value of the interference current at a frequency of 25 Hz in the rail line.
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