Determining the effectiveness of modular traction
traction module, excess weight, excess capacity, towing coupling, maximum traction characteristicsAbstract
Because mass of compositions does not answer the complete use of power of hauling facilities in practice, then it results in appearances of surplus of hauling power.
Surplus power can not be used on a rev-up, as in the graphic arts of motion, regardless of mass, all trains are laid with identical working on-speed. The presence of surplus power negatively influences on the economic indicators of vehicular process, because results in the height of charges on renewal (addition) and maintenance of park of hauling facilities, and also to the increase of charges of electric power on traction of trains.
To decrease surplus power of hauling facilities, and total power of park of hauling facilities, it is possible due to the use of module traction, id est due to driving of trains the hauling hooks formed from the separate hauling modules from a calculation, that their power was sufficient for driving of concrete train.
The dependences driven to work allow to get the estimation of power efficiency of module traction for the railways of Ukraine.
The use of module traction, by comparison to the use in exploitation only of hauling facilities of one type, provides possibility to bring down to 8 % volumes of purchase of hauling facilities for acquisition of park. In the same proportion charges will go down on maintenance of park of hauling facilities. Application is in exploitation of hauling facilities that is formed from the hauling modules, provides, as set on the methodology worked out in-process, possibility of reduction to 3 % expenses of electric power on traction of trains.References
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