The research of temperature effects windings of the induction traction motors on operation autonomous voltage inverters


  • О.М. Петренко National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Б.Г. Любарський National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine
  • Є.С. Рябов Рlant Electrotyazhmash, Kharkiv, Ukraine



asynchronous traction motor, autonomous voltage inverter, pulse-width modulation, optimal modes, effectiveness factor, temperature windings traction engine.


The article is devoted to the development of methods for determining changes depending on the operating mode of autonomous inverter voltage from the traction motor temperature, which is based on determining the effectiveness of traction drive. A feature of the technique is the definition of drive efficiency as a result of solving the problem of optimizing the traction drive parameters using the combined method of the search on the basis of genetic algorithm and method of Nelder - Mead. The proposed target function to determine the effectiveness of its drive for determining the optimum operating conditions when using different modes of PWM. For acceleration and deceleration mode provides the use of a vector of the objective function with the components caused by the efficiency and power of traction, and the mode is the cruise scalar function, which is due to drive efficiency.

As parameters for the mode space vector PWM is selected vector with sliding components and a modulation ratio, and for the single PWM - slip.

Author Biographies

О.М. Петренко, National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Associate Professor

Б.Г. Любарський, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"


Є.С. Рябов, Рlant Electrotyazhmash, Kharkiv

Section Head


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Electric Rolling Stock