Electrification of Transport 2019-10-05T11:41:24+03:00 Cыченко Виктор Григорьевич Open Journal Systems <p><img src="" alt="" align="left" hspace="20" /> <img src="" alt="" align="right" hspace="20" /></p> <p>Electrification of Transport, ISSN 2307-4221 (print), ISSN 2312-6574 (online) – nation-wide scientific peer-reviewed journal that covered the modern scientific problems connected with electrified transport. Journal supports a policy of open access. Semi-annual publishing since 2011.</p> <p><strong>Publication of the journal is suspended. This site functions as an archive.</strong></p> Energy channels of power of distributed systems of type electrical supply 2019-10-05T11:36:16+03:00 П. В. Губський <div><p>The introduction of distributed power supply systems for the supply of high-speed trains allows for the necessary mode of power and voltage in the traction network. In the design of circuitry systems of distributed type an important task is the choice of the power channel for feeding points of amplification. Today, as such channels, power lines are used for direct and alternating current. Also known are theoretical developments of power channels of another type: with high frequency, a link of direct current and others. The proposed work presents the results of calculations of the AC power line with voltage of 35 kV as an energy channel of a distributed traction power supply system for supplying a 5 MW power gain point. It is shown that in order to provide the necessary energy indices, the use of AC-35 wires is sufficient for normalized power losses and voltages.</p></div> 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Analysis of the variable generation function on the step of transition to intellectual networks smart grid 2019-10-05T11:36:34+03:00 С. П. Денисюк П. В. Соколовський <div><p>The rapid development of the introduction of new dispersed energy sources into electric grids and the creation of private generating power plants encourages consumers to change their status from the passive state (ordinary consumers of electricity) to active and act as a full participant in the electricity market.</p><p>The article analyses and evaluates the potential of "flexible" renewable energy sources as a new component of modern Smart Grid power supply systems. The influence of "flexible" renewable energy sources on the change in the schedule of electrical loads is shown. Possible methods of stimulating the development of individual electricity producers in Ukraine are described.</p></div> 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Research efficiency of electrification directions Zaporozhye - Kamysh-Zarya – Walnovakh 2019-10-05T11:37:24+03:00 М. Б. Курган С. Ю. Байдак Н. П. Хмелевська <div><p class="a">In this article, the efficiency of electrification for increasing the capacity is investigated using the example of a single-track section with diesel traction of Zaporozhye-Volnovakh connecting the Krivoy Rog ore basin, metallurgical enterprises of the Donetsk region and the ports of the Sea of Azov. To achieve the goal, the stages of the creation and development of the railway direction have been analyzed, starting from commissioning in 1903. It is shown how the technical equipment of the railway sections affects the performance indicators. Based on the results of the calculations, a conclusion was made about the impact of operational parameters, profile and plan parameters, as well as the technical state of locomotives on the electrification efficiency of single-track railways.</p></div> 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Increase of reliability of power supply systems as a component of the problem of optimization of power consumption regimes 2019-10-05T11:38:19+03:00 Ю. Л. Саєнко Т. К. Бараненко <div><p>Ensuring the reliability of electrical supply is one of the main tasks of efficient and safe operation of the power supply system of any power generating facility, as well as one of the components of the complex task of optimizing power consumption regimes. There are a number of methods for estimation the reliability of electric power systems. To estimate the reliability of complex power supply systems, we should give preference to logical-probabilistic methods. Such methods differ flexibility, visibility, accessible mathematical apparatus, which allows developing universal algorithms and computer programs. Thus, this article is devoted to estimating the reliability of a complex power supply system using the logic-probabilistic methods of calculation with the example of a large industrial enterprise.</p></div> 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Application of active filters-stabilizers in a distributed electrical supply system 2019-10-05T11:38:52+03:00 О. І. Семененко О. Д. Супрун Ю. О. Семененко М. М. Одєгов <div><p class="a">In the article ways of creation of system of the distributed electric power supply of a direct current for increase of quality of energy of a food of an electric rolling stock in the conditions of increase of intensity of transportations and introduction of high-speed movement are considered. It is proposed to use active filter-stabilizers of a sequential type in the distributed power supply system for efficient filtration and stabilization of the output voltage of converter units of traction substations and conversion points. In the converter unit with a six-pulse rectified installation and an active filter-stabilizer of a sequential type, the harmonics of the output voltage in the low-frequency range are significantly reduced and the power factor is increased by 0,9-1,4%.</p></div> 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport The use of accumulator power station in the railway transport power supply system 2019-10-05T11:39:11+03:00 Е. И. Сокол В. В. Замаруев В. В. Ивахно Б. А. Стысло <div><p class="a">The pulsating mode of the power consumption in the railroad power supply network is the cause of the occurrence of voltage pulsations in the contact network. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the energy system. To compensate power fluctuations in the electric power supply network of the railway, it is proposed to use hybrid electric energy storage devices. The use of two-channel additional traction power station with an appropriate control system was proposed. The basis of the mathematical model is the data of real measurements.</p></div> 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Investigation of transient processes in the electric traction drive of under-ground electric locomotives 2019-10-05T11:34:05+03:00 О. Н. Синчук А. Ф. Синолицый Е. А. Несмашный В. А. Федотов М. Л. Барановская П. В. Лоташ Е. И. Скапа <div><p>Underground electric locomotive transport of the major ore haulage artery plays a significant role in forming the total prime cost of iron ore materials. The underground electric locomotive transport needs updating; especially in terms of transition to operating new types of electric locomotives equipped with modern highly efficient systems of controlling locomotive operation. Models of electric locomotives and trolleys were used in calculations. These models take into account the elastic properties of an electric locomotive; trolleys and the junction apparatus.</p></div>Presents the research results of dynamic processes in the asynchronous electric traction drive and practical solutions of creating the system of automatic control over the electromechanical complex of a biaxial underground battery-trolley locomotive for loading and unloading operations of the mineral haulage cycle at iron ore underground mines. Currently; systems of direct control of traction complexes of electric locomotives; electric traction drives; are the most imperfect in the electric haulage complex at iron ore mines and they hinder the underground electric locomotive transport development to a great extent. Based on the developed mathematical model; the influence of system-forming parameters on the dynamic properties of the system is revealed: mine "electric locomotives - trolleys". Underground electric locomotive transport automation implies creating an efficient electric traction drives structure; which serves the basis for the control system of the whole traction complex of electric locomotives under both manual and automated modes. Test optimization of transient processes in the electric traction drives is essential in this context. 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Computer simulation of the increased frequency modes for the traction transformer 2019-10-05T11:35:24+03:00 А. М. Муха О. І. Бондар Д. В. Устименко О. Я. Куриленко This paper deals with the problems of mathematical modeling of electrical devices. In this work the computer model of the multi-winding traction transformer with values of its resistances, inductances and capacities is shown. The parameters of model have obtained by the approved techniques. The specified model is created in Matlab Simulink software environment. The adequacy of model is confirmed with transformer test results. On this basis simulation of transformer operation for currents of the increased frequency in the range of 50 Hz – 100 kHz is carried out. Results show absence of the dangerous resonant modes in this range. In the future time described model may be used for calculation of electromagnetic processes in all subcircuits of electric system “traction transformer – power converter – asynchronous drive” for modern electric rolling stock electromagnetic compatibility providing. It is necessary condition for it’s implementation on the Ukrainian railways. 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Improving methods the power supply systems efficiency on municipal electric transport 2019-10-05T11:39:36+03:00 В. Х. Далека О. С. Козлова А. В. Шкрябко <div><p>Power consumption estimation in municipal electric transport for increasing the efficiency of using an existing power supply system in modern conditions. The electric power supply systems of the tram and trolleybus, which were built and used for many years in Ukraine, were designed according to the norms and data determined by city planning, the rolling stock number, its characteristics, route features, etc. In recent years, the passenger traffic parameters, number and characteristics of rolling stock have changed considerably, therefore, the actual solution of the issues of already existing electricity supply system most efficient use in the current conditions of topical issue management. <strong></strong></p><p>On data of the actual electricity consumption on municipal electric transport, hydrometeorological center, tram enterprises, traffic conditions on routes, received an estimation of the use electricity supply system existing efficiency for appropriate measures was carried out. The method of specific energy consumption determination by separate power areas, determined by the location of traction substations, taking into account the types of rolling stock and their traffic conditions, is proposed. The use of a universal indicator of specific energy consumption as an estimate of the energy consumption level makes it possible to compare the level of electricity supply system components efficiency.</p></div>On data of the research the energy expenditures spent components of use efficiency evaluation, the following solutions may be proposed: a new location of stopping points with the elimination of irrationally located and low passenger traffic while maintaining the average passenger travel time; rational distribution of rolling stock on routes; change of the motor transport scheme on the lines of municipal electric transport, the elimination of a traffic lights number, or the equipment of moving parts equipment with right-priority pass; change of the power supply scheme, the use of amplifying cables, wires, reconstruction of traction substations to reduce voltage losses, etc. The method of estimating energy consumption on the basis of comparison of specific energy consumption taking into account traffic conditions is improved. The proposed methodology allows us to develop grounded measures for increasing the efficiency of electric power supply systems in municipal electric transport in modern conditions. 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Calculation of energy saving potential by controlling the flow of trains on the P-K section 2019-10-05T11:40:12+03:00 В. Г. Кузнецов А. В. Кравцов <div><p class="a">The paper analyzes the energy saving potential of the traction power system by adjusting the unevenness of the flow of trains for the electrified section. The comparison of two train schedules with different non-uniformity according to the criterion of electric power losses in the traction network is considered. Considered the current timetable of trains on the section of power supply. For the current timetable, the power losses in the traction network was calculated. An adjusted train timetable is proposed, in which the index of unevenness is smaller. The current and proposed timetable of trains is compared on the criterion of electric power losses in the traction network. The amount of electricity losses in the elements of the power supply system is a determining factor for assessing the efficiency of the power supply and electricity consumption processes in any power supply system. The coefficient of variation is proposed as an indicator of uneven flow of trains.</p></div>Reducing power losses in the traction network is possible by adjusting the traffic flow unevenness indicators. The less uneven flow of trains is the less electric power loss in the elements of the traction power system. It was proposed the corrected train flow timetable. It was established the boundaries of the technically accessible potential of energy saving in the traction power supply system due to the correction of the unevenness of the flow of trains on the electrified section. In current s working conditions, railways in Ukraine need to look for ways to save energy with minimal investment. By adjusting the uneven flow of trains, it's possible to reduce the power losses in the traction network. Setting up energy saving potential allows you to plan the costs of energy-saving measures, rank them according to specified criteria, seek co-financing from financial institutions 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Research of the efficiency of the automated system of commercial electricity consumption calculation for household consumers 2019-10-05T11:40:32+03:00 В. І. Мартиненко Д. О. Босий <div><p class="a">At present, to ensure sustainable development and reliable operation of the electric power industry, first of all, new energy-efficient solutions are needed. One such solution is the automation of the system for controlling and accounting for electrical energy, which makes it possible to substantially improve the efficiency of the use of energy resources.</p><p class="a">In order to solve the problem of energy efficiency, the principle of operation of modern automated commercial electricity metering systems (ASCAE) based on multifunctional high-precision microprocessor-based electricity meters was considered. It was analyzed what exactly the goals and technical and economic tasks are for ASCAE. A brief description of the implementation of these systems in countries with different levels of economic development is given. Also considered from which elements the system consists. The effectiveness of the use of AMR in the implementation of energy-saving measures and control of power consumption modes is shown. The economic feasibility of introducing the proposed system</p></div> 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Efficiency of the use of linear polymer insulators in the combination with glasses 2019-10-05T11:40:45+03:00 Е. Д. Ким К. Л. Чрзан <div><p class="a">At present, linear polymeric insulators with an silicone protective shell are perceived as alternative to traditional insulators practical for all classes of AC and AC voltage lines around the world. However, today, the problem of estimating the remaining life of insulators in real time is still unsolved, which would allow timely repair work or replacement of critically damaged insulators. Despite the fact that various methods and tools for diagnosing composite insulators are currently being tested, the methods for estimating the remaining term of safe isolation work are still not formalized in the form of recommendations of the International Committee for Standardization.</p><p class="a">The paper deals with an insulating suspension for a high-voltage power transmission line from a polymer insulator supplemented with a plate-type insulator. Sequentially joined disk insulators not only equalize the potentials along the entire suspension, respectively, reduce the maximum field strength of the polymer insulator, but also serve as an indicator of hidden electrical processes in the polymer insulator.</p></div> 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Calculation of the magnetic characteristics of the traction dc motor with combined excitation for trolley buses 2019-10-05T11:41:24+03:00 І.О. Костенко В. Ф. Харченко М. В. Хворост <div><p class="a">The purpose of the work is to create a method for calculating the magnetic characteristics of a traction motor with combined excitation based on the finite element method.</p><p class="a">The methodology is based on conducting a set of digital experiments on the calculation of magnetic fields of a traction motor and their regression analysis.</p><p class="a">Results: The dependences of successive and independent excitation anchor flows, as well as additional poles in relative units in the form of polynomial dependences, were obtained.</p><p class="a">Scientific novelty: a new approach to determining the magnetic characteristics of the traction motors of DC of combined excitation is created, which takes into account the saturation of the elements of the magnetic system of the engine in all modes of operation.</p><p class="a">Conclusions. A universal method for determining the magnetic characteristics of a traction motor of combined excitation has been developed. The feature of the technique is the following: the calculation of the magnetic field by the finite element method in the plane-parallel formulation of the problem; calculation of flows on the basis of the calculation of the magnetic field; Regression analysis of the results of digital experiments with the help of Chebyshev polynomials on a set of equidistant points; presentation of results in relative values.</p></div> 2019-10-05T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport Differential models and computer-orientated methods of the processes deter-mining parameters modes informativeness of railways electricity supply intelligent networks intellectualization 2019-10-05T11:39:22+03:00 О. І. Стасюк О. C. Гайденко Л. Л. Гончарова <div><p>The results researches of evolution electric power supply systems and railways traction networks are presented. It is shown that the promising direction of scientific research is the creation of intelligent computer networks and intelligent power supply systems based on world-known SMART Grid technologies. The conceptual approaches of intelligent energy engineering are considered. Methods of synthesis intelligent mathematical models for determining the complete informativeness of registered primary data reflecting the dynamic processes of abnormal and emergency modes of power supply systems have been developed on the basis of differential transformations theory. Methods of intellectualization the harmonic analysis procedures of primary information for the individual harmonic components of the power supply system abnormal modes characteristics determination are proposed in the field of differential images. Ways of forming new knowledge in the energy supply field for optimization procedures of electric power consumption and intelligent energy-saving technologies creation are presented on the basis of differential mathematical models. The additional possibilities of solving the system-wide problem of railways traction electric networks innovation transformation are shown.</p></div> 2019-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Electrification of Transport