Reliability evaluation indicators pantograph speed electric rolling


  • О. А. Сидоров
  • В. В. Свешников
  • С. Ю. Сосновский



reliability, network of contacts, the pantograph, the rejection, the block diagram


Stability of current collection on the railways will depend on many factors, including the characteristics of the contact line and pantograph. Interaction of overhead catenary and pantograph is a complex process, especially at high speeds. To ensure continuous quality of current collection and catenary pantograph must have reliability.

In case of failure to ensure trolley stops rolling electric energy. This may lead to temporary economic or financial losses. To avoid this, you must specify the resource collector and its components, as well as the time of the current and capital repairs.

The object of study is the collector designed for use on lines with a modernized infrastructure system of current collection.

Analyzed pantograph developed within the project "Development and The Organization of a new high-tech production of the main collector for use on lines with a modernized infrastructure of current collection system" (contract № 13.G25.31.0034 from "07" September 2010), implemented with the support of the Mini Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The paper presents a reliability design analysis of pantograph high-speed electric rolling stock. Defined reliability and elements with the smallest time between failures, the reliability function is constructed pantograph.


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Electric Rolling Stock